Tuesday 20 March 2012


Okay, let's be real. Who is beyond the roof, through the walls, up and down the stairs EXCITED FOR HUNGER GAMES IN THEATERS THIS FRIDAY MARCH 23?

K sorry for the excessive caps, but I felt it was only suitable to transcend my excitement into typed words. I adored the books series and now that the movie is coming out in days, I am so beyond excited for it. There will probably be screams, tears, joy, excitement, all the above. 

My thoughts on the book:
It's such a suspenseful story that is surrounded by such an eclectic plot so beyond the breach of humanity. Honestly it's addicting to anyone that begins to read it, it's a quick read but a very enjoyable one at that.

Just the fatal and dangerous setting that these children are thrust into, man vs. man, kill or be killed. It's so insane and different from our experiences in real life, but that's exactly why we're drawn to this alternate future dystopian world. It is so different yet so relatible. We feel as if we're in District 12, surrounded by the dust from the coal mines, as if we're feeling Katniss' pain, living through her eyes. It's surreal.

Not to mention such a dynamic twisted love story that is both staged yet so pure and true. It's so different from any other love story and it's so amiable to see the compassion and longing that Peeta has for Katniss. The confused feelings that hit Katniss when she doesn't know if Peeta is acting or is truly in love with her. Not to mention so much pressure is placed upon this love: sponsors, gamemakers, panem. 

What are your thoughts on the cast? 

My thoughts on Peeta:
I really like the choice casting of Josh Hutcherson. Honestly, n real life he is so charming, level headed, and sweet. Basically, he is Peeta. Love him so much. TEAM PEETA! Some people say he's short, but I like to say his small height cannot contain all his talent and charm! Because seriously, he's been in this industry since age 9, he's good at it. And he's a hottie.

My thoughts on Katniss:
I love this choice as well. I can really envision Jennifer Lawrence bring the role of Katniss to fruition. She is very sweet, genuine, and funny. It really shows through in her interviews and she's gorgeous. Very befitting of this role for sure! Great actor too.

My thoughts on Gale:
Well....all Gale really has to do is be strong and handsome and Liam Hemsworth is exactly that. So I like this casting. Nuff said.

But anyway, are you TEAM PEETA OR TEAM GALE?
(I'm Team Peeta all the way to the moon AND back. mhm yup, and back.) 

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