Sunday 26 February 2012

Calling All Skin Junkies: Oily and Dry! Want a Drink of Water for your Face?

My Review on Garnier Nutrioniste Moisture Rescue Refreshing Gel Cream
Well that was a mouthful wasn't it? 

This has been the moisturizer that I have been using for the past 5 months and I absolutely love it! I doesn't make your skin feel overly greasy yet it gives enough hydration even for dry skin types. The packaging is pretty nice and sturdy and the consistency of the gel is very refreshing and it gives you a cool tingly sensation, not too much though. The original reason I wanted to get this was because I heard the grape water extract would be a great refresher and cooler for irritated red skin, which is what I had, and it worked! I don't think I will ever go to another moisturizer, in fact I have already finished my first container, now I'm onto the second and I even have a backup! Yes I'm a little crazy.


  • Gives enough hydration for dry skin types 
  • Does not feel greasy on skin even for oily skin types 
  • Grape water extract refreshes and cools down irritated red skin
  • Great for applying over/under/with foundation if you have a flakey or dry spot
  • Leaves skin feeling light, supple and smooth and hydrated 
  • Soaks in quickly
  • Hasn't ever broken me out

  • It's a bit pricey for the amount, I got it for $10 and used one container in about 3 months (depends on how frequently you apply though)
  • The glass pot may not be the most hygienic way of packaging 

So ladies and even gents, I would truly recommend this moisturizer to you all. It has worked well for me personally, and I'm not guaranteeing it will do wonders for you as well because everyone's skin is uniquely different. So maybe do some research before you bite the bullet and go out to purchase this. But I say it's definitely worth a try!

What's your fave moisturizer?

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